Meditation: More Than Self-Care

Audio Script: Mini Meditation Bundle Welcome

Welcome to this Mini Meditation Bundle - an array of bite-sized meditation practices designed to support you and your unique needs as you manage a busy schedule. Meditation is very much a self-care practice, but it goes beyond self-care in so many ways. It gifts you a tremendous opportunity to see things differently….to know yourself differently. 

So, I really want to acknowledge you for exploring meditation, and making time for it in your life. In the practice of meditation, we are developing the ability to disengage from our thoughts and sit in inner stillness. When we do this, we experience what is commonly known as “The Gap”; a space between reacting to our thoughts (or getting pulled down the rabbit hole by our thoughts) and not reacting - and just witnessing. We become aware of what it feels like to experience each moment with as much authenticity and integrity as possible, and when we do this we invite in, even if ever so briefly, the chance to experience forms of realization, contemplation, inspiration, and the opportunity to optimize our response. 

When we are frazzled and stressed, we are reacting to an endless stream of thoughts and emotions arising within us. It can be difficult to make decisions and make our best possible next step in each moment, no matter how big or small these may be, when we are reacting to life so strongly. 

We have habitual and uninvited thoughts coming into our minds all the time, whether we want them or not. Meditation is not about blocking thoughts, or forcibly stopping thoughts, it’s about removing our attention from those thoughts so that the reacting doesn’t occur. That is the gift of meditation and this is what I hope you will encounter and experience.

There is more to you and to life than the endless thoughts that construct a reality for us, based on what we think we should be doing and life’s expectations on us. A meditation practice teaches you how to use your attention to support you as you keep making progress towards your best life. 

Meditation is a relationship with yourself. Meditation is the number one way to connect to who we really are and allow this aspect of us to lead and guide us. This is why they say, ‘The only way out is in’. Your inner guide holds wisdom you can draw on in order to receive the teachings that are right for you and this is what meditation teaches us.

I hope these mini meditation practices support you in all the right ways.


Lesson Summary

Welcome to this Mini Meditation Bundle - an array of bite-sized meditation practices designed to support you and your unique needs as you manage a busy schedule.

Meditation is a self-care practice that offers more than just relaxation. It provides an opportunity to see things differently and get to know yourself on a deeper level.

In meditation, we learn to disengage from our thoughts and sit in inner stillness. This allows us to experience "The Gap" - a space where we can observe our thoughts without reacting to them.

By cultivating this awareness, we can approach each moment with authenticity and integrity. We become better equipped to make decisions and respond to life's challenges, rather than reacting impulsively.

Meditation is not about blocking or stopping thoughts; it's about redirecting our attention away from them. This practice allows us to transcend the constant stream of thoughts that often dominate our minds.

Through meditation, we can tap into our inner wisdom and let it guide us towards our best life. It is a way to connect with ourselves and learn from our inner guide.

These mini meditation practices are here to support you in finding the peace and clarity you need in your busy life. Enjoy!


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