Go Higher with Jennifer Fisher at

The Academy for Higher Sciences

YOUR online school dedicated to helping you to reach your full potential using practices founded in the Higher Sciences

that foster inner stability and promote authentic success.

Can you imagine a world where we all felt sure enough and safe enough to show up strongly as who we really are? A place where we were all doing not only what we were capable of doing, but doing it from a place of love and authenticity? 

I can, and this is my 'Why'.  



I have a vision of a world where we no longer feel beat down by the pressures of life today, but instead feel strong within and inspired to show up everyday as who we are meant to be so that we can keep progressing.

Courses and Programs Designed To:


Support the development of internal calm so you can keep showing up to your life and your goals with strength and resilience.


Help you to develop a healthy sense of Self and teach you how to access your Higher faculties so you can lift to a place where you know who you are and you know what you are capable of.


Help you to settle into your Authentic Self and access your Authentic Power so you can show up inspired, ignited and 'on purpose' in your Sovereignty.


Help you to build physical, emotional, mental and spiritual strength and flexibility.


Provide you with experiential content that equips you with the skills and the tools you need to move through the shifts that are necessary for your growth and expansion.


Guide you to the knowledge and the resources you need to live your best life and Shine Your Brightest in a world so full of negative messaging, judgement and expectation.

~ Being YOU doesn't have to be a struggle ~

You are not here to struggle. You are here to THRIVE!

"As a Certified Canfield Success Principles Trainer, I went through the entire program first as a student and then as a Trainer. I've applied these principles in my own life and they are life changing. Learn them once and they serve you for a lifetime."

~ Jennifer Fisher ~

Owner Put Em High

Founder of The Academy For Higher Sciences

Calling on the Wisdom of the Ancients

Science continues to discover and prove what the ancients have always known, that we are spiritual beings having a human experience. Our Spirit is the true essence of us. Without a connection to our Spirit, and without the Knowing of ourselves beyond the intellect, we suffer. In our over-intellectualized way of living, and in our hectic jobs and demanding lifestyles, we edge ourselves out and lose ourselves. Spiritual practices that work on ALL aspects of you - your mind, your body and your spirit - reconnect you to your truth. In your truth, you start to access your 'Higher Faculties' like your imagination, creativity, empathy, meta-cognition, intuition, and even your 'clairs'. These are your inborn assets that supercharge your life with creative power when cultivated and used with intention.

In the Academy with Jennifer Fisher, you will learn how to internally stabilize, step into your truth, access your Knowing, and tune into your Higher Faculties through the study and practice of the Higher Sciences so you can experience authentic success; where true joy and fulfilment can be found.

Hi, I’m Jennifer!

I'm honoured to be your teacher, guide, and BIGGEST supporter.

I'm a semi-retired healthcare professional now doing my heart's work. I am a paid speaker, Certified Canfield Success Principles Trainer, Certified Breath Coach, and a Certified Yoga, Mindfulness and Meditation teacher.

My own search to uncover and access the best of me has lead to over two decades of the study and application of personal and professional leadership development, organizational excellence, quality management, and spiritual practices founded in ancient Eastern teachings.

What I've learned is that true success is authentic success and this only possible when we lead our lives from a place of truly Knowing who we are, what we are capable of and why we are here. Our true authenticity cannot be known at the level of the intellect. It is discovered through a process of Self Realization.

I've put my love of writing, teaching and producing music, as well as my desire to serve and support others, into creating courses and programs that help you to experience a shift, access your truth and breakthrough to new levels. I use visual, audible and kinaesthetic teaching methodologies to transfer knowledge to you and guide you to a personal transformation.

Much of what I teach is centred around shifting you from the incessant external striving we feel is expected of us to building your internal stability so you can stand in your power, strive less, struggle less, suffer less, but achieve more...purposefully.

By practicing what I teach, I have learned to find the strength within to keep pushing forward and moving higher to be all that I can be, even in the face of great fear.

I am happily married to the man of my dreams. Together we share two beautiful daughters and they are my BIGGEST 'Why'. Every day my daughters reflect back to me the precious beauty and humanity in each of us.